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    Ho definitivamente separato, così come è giusto che sia, i titoli dallo status. D’ora in avanti il titolo di un personaggio apparirà, con il rispettivo punteggio, nella sezione: Pregi, della scheda. La rettifica è frutto di una scelta ponderata, atta ad evitare fraintendimenti nell’interpretazione di un certo punteggio in status appaiandolo erroneamente ad un corrispettivo titolo specifico.

    Lo scopo di svincolare lo status dalla carica è giustificato dal fatto che un personaggio può avere un punteggio di status che può fluttuare, salendo o scendendo, in base alle imprese (infami o degne di lode) compiute e non solo, riflettendo la propria reputazione nella Spada.

    Ciò significa, ad esempio, che un Ductus non avrà uno Status cristallizzato al pallino 2 a meno che non venga degradato o riceva una “promozione”. Un pg infatti può essere conosciuto, e godere di Status, sebbene non possegga alcun Titolo. Ecco quindi che il membro di un pack famoso e rispettato potrebbe avere, ad esempio, Status 3 e non per questo essere Ductus del proprio pack né tantomeno Vescovo. Viceversa potrebbe voler dire che un pg che possegga il Titolo di Ductus può anche avere un punteggio di Status inferiore a 2 e mantenere in egual modo la propria carica, sebbene possa non essere visto di buon occhio e rischi comunque una “retrocessione” o abbia più probabilità di essere sfidato per la propria carica in quanto inadeguato a ricoprire il ruolo che svolge.

    I Titoli potranno essere acquistati in fase di creazione, utilizzando il corrispettivo punteggio in freebie pari al valore dello stesso, ma che siano svincolati dallo Status non vorrà dire che siano liberi da consoni prerequisiti.

    Nello specifico:

    Sacerdote - Titolo da 1pt
    Prerequisiti: Status 1 e Ritae 1
    Costo totale: 3 freebie

    Ductus – Titolo da 1pt
    Prerequisito: Status 2
    Costo totale: 3 freebie

    Templare/Paladino – Titolo da 1pt
    Prerequisito: Status 2
    Costo totale: 3 freebie

    Vescovo – Titolo da 3pt
    Prerequisito: Status 3, Ritae 2, congruo bg, carica disponibile, a discrezione dello staff
    Costo totale: 8 freebie

    (In caso di “conflitto d’interessi” fra due o più giocatori che puntino alla stessa carica la controversia si dirimerà esclusivamente in-game)

    Titoli come quello di Arcivescovo, invece, saranno ottenibili esclusivamente in-game.

    Given that vampire society reveres status and accomplishment, it’s not a surprise that those who acquire titles can bring those symbols of accomplishment to bear in the social arena. Provided the Kindred in question doesn’t mind name-dropping or laying it on thick, a Kindred can invoke her title for a Status bonus.
    System: The player spends a Willpower point. For the duration of the scene, the player may add the value of the character’s title in addition to the number of dice granted by her Status Background to dice pools that would be modified by the Status Background. Failure on this roll indicates that the character comes across as a sycophant or overbearing.
    See p. 118 of V20 for more information on using Status in social situations
    (V20 Companion pag. 17)

    You may have occasion to roll your Status in conjunction with a Social Trait; this reflects the positive effects of your prestige.
    (V20 Core pag. 118)

    Acquisire, e mantenere, tali titoli in-game NON comporterà necessariamente il rispetto dei prerequisiti sopracitati. Ecco quindi che, ad esempio, a seguito di una role completata brillantemente potreste venire ricompensati ricevendo una promozione al vostro rango senza prima aver ottenuto lo status necessario.
    La nomina in-game ad una carica comporta l’attribuzione automatica dello status base attribuito SE superiore allo status attuale posseduto dal pg.

    Se siete stati “promossi” in-game da Ducti a Vescovi, ad esempio, ed il vostro status era 1 o 2, otterrete il titolo di Vescovo ed il corrispettivo status 3.
    Dopodichè, sempre in-game, il vostro status potrebbe aumentare o diminuire pur mantenendo voi la carica di Vescovo (a meno che qualcuno non vi sfidi o vi deponga). Se, ad esempio, siete stati “promossi” in-game da Ducti a Vescovi ed il vostro status era già 3 o superiore, manterrete il vostro status.

    Durante la creazione di un nuovo Pg Sabbat il punteggio standard di status è pari a zero, il che equivale ad essere un Vero Sabbat. Nel caso, in creazione, si scelga di partire con un titolo negativo quale: Testa di Badile o Falso Sabbat, il corrispettivo di status pari a -1 equivarrà all’attribuzione di 1 punto freebie. Il titolo negativo di Testa di Badile o Falso Sabbat sarà pari, in termini di punteggio, ad un difetto da 1pt.

    Shovelhead - Titolo negativo da 1 pt
    Da intendere come un "Difetto" da 1 pt

    System: Negative titles inflict a variety of drawbacks upon those Kindred who labor under their stigma. Cainites with negative titles subtract one from social dice pools in actions involving those who know they bear the title. (V20 Companion pag 17)


    La facoltà di concedere l’acquisizione di titoli in fase di creazione quali Inquisitore, Mano Nera e similari resta a discrezione dello staff e và motivata adeguatamente nel BG oltre che richiedere la soddisfazione dei necessari prerequisiti:
    Punti Background, orientamento politico, congrui punteggi di abilità e possibili specializzazioni, pregi specifici: The Iron Reliquary (Inquisizione) 3pt freebie, The Crescent Brand (Mano Nera) 3pt freebie.

    The Iron Reliquary (2-3 pt merit) (House Rule)
    A character with this merit is a member of the prestigious Inquisition: either a Judge or a Knight Inquisitor. Players do not have to purchase any further merits to advance within this order, but it is recommended that Storytellers limit such advancement as per the bounds of their chronicles’ stories.
    Every member of the Inquisition possesses an iron reliquary, gained with this merit. An Inquisitor’s iron reliquary is her badge of office, each one given directly by the Regent. Physically, a reliquary is a stylized version of the Sabbat symbol, forged of iron. It can be held and wielded like a dagger or sword, and it often incorporates sharp spikes or cutting surfaces. Each reliquary is unique, and reliquaries of slain Inquisitors are destroyed.
    (Riferimenti: Archons and Templars, Rites of the Blood, MET V20 pag 452)

    The Crescent Brand (2-3 pt Merit) (House Rule)
    A character with this merit is a member of the Black Hand. Typically, a character begins as an Agent of the Hand. Players do not have to purchase any further merits to advance within this order, but it is recommended that Storytellers limit such advancement as per the bounds of their chronicles’ stories.
    Each member of the Black Hand is branded with the mark of a black crescent moon on the palm of the right hand. The link is a sympathetic link to the Seraphim, and can be used to call an operative to duty, to warn agents in the field, or to destroy a member of the Black Hand who has been compromised.
    (Rirerimenti: Caine's Chosen, Guida al Sabbat, MET V20 pag 453)

    Per tali titoli lo status nella fazione verrà equiparato al background: Affiliazione alla Mano Nera, Affiliazione all’Inquisizione. Perciò, Affiliazione alla Mano Nera 1 equivarrà a possedere uno Status pari a 1 nella Mano Nera, Affiliazione alla Mano Nera 2 equivarrà a possedere uno Status pari a 2 nella Mano Nera e così via. Lo stesso dicasi per l’Inquisizione.

    Possedere il solo pregio corrisponderà ad avere Status zero (come detto pocanzi si ricorda che Status = Bg Affiliazione alla Mano Nera/Inquisizione) e titolo di Aspirante (Inquisizione) o di Candidato/Cadetto (Mano Nera). Per avere Status maggiore di zero, si ribadisce, sarà necessario investire nel background Affiliazione alla Mano Nera/Inquisizione. Per “acquistare” titoli all’interno della fazione sarà necessario soddisfare il prerequisito di status/affiliazione.

    Ecco quindi che, ad esempio, per poter ottenere il titolo di Inquisitore sarà necessario possedere il pregio Iron Reliquary ed il background status/affiliazione all’Inquisizione pari almeno a 3. Solo all’ora sarà possibile acquistare il titolo: Inquisitore (vedi dopo).

    REQUISITI GENERALI INQUISIZIONE (Rites of the Blood pag. 121, Archons and Templars pag. 70, Guide to the Sabbat 36-37)

    Clan prevalenti: Ventrue AT, Lasombra, Tzimisce, Toreador AT (Harbinger’s of Skull – Lazarene Inquisitors)
    Attributi: Almeno 3 per ogni Attributo Fisico, Percezione, Prontezza (Knight)
    Attributi: Almeno 3 per ogni Attributo Mentale, Carisma, Persuasione (Judge)
    Abilità con almeno (1) pallino: Alertness, Athletics, Awareness, Brawl, Firearms, Investigation, Larceny/Security, Melee, Occult, Stealth, Streetwise and Subterfuge, Survival (Knight)
    Abilità Giudice: Academics, Alertness, Authority, Awareness, Expression, Intimidation, Investigation, Subterfuge,

    Occulto (4+) Specializzazione: una tra Infernalismo, Rituali/Ritae, Noddist Lore, Path of Enlightenment, Heretical Path of Enlightenment; Demonology (?)
    Discipline “comuni” nell’Inquisizione nelle quali è possibile investire freebie in creazione: Animalism, Auspex, Celerity, Dominate, Fortitude, Obtenebration, Potence, Presence, Vicissitude (Obtenebration e Vicissitude previa autorizzazione) (Blood Magic, a discrezione dello Staff se Out-of-Clan e ben motivato in BG)
    Background: Mentore (1/2), Ritae (2/3+)
    Sentieri prevalenti: Path of Redemption, Path of Honorable Accord, Paths of Caine, Path of Cathari (orientamento “Widows’heresy” di Montréal, vedi Chaining the Beast pag. 48-52), Path of Night (subpath Righteous)
    (the sect nevertheless retains an underground network of Bahari who follow the Path of Lilith)
    Sentieri eretici (non selezionabili): Path of Evil Revelations, Path of Typhon, Path of Sutekh, Path of Lilith, and Path of Blood. Even the Lasombra Clan’s Path of Night balances on the edge of being declared heresy
    Punteggio sentiero: Almeno 6 (fino a iniziato/apprendista), almeno 7 (da Inquisitore in poi)
    Willpower: Almeno 5
    Political Orientation: Orthodox

    Although the Occult and Theology Abilities can reflect esoteric or theoretical knowledge about demons, knowing demonic secrets or how to summon the infernal requires a character to possess Demonology. Institutions such as the Catholic Church or the Sabbat Inquisition restrict circulation of this knowledge, but demons and their thralls actively encourage it, doing everything they can to make sure that censored versions of these secrets can be found on the Internet, in college libraries, and scrawled on the walls of nightclub bathrooms.
    (Rites of the Blood pag. 117)

    Background: Affiliazione all’Inquisizione (derivato dal Bg: Affiliazione alla Mano Nera) : 3 per accedere al titolo di Inquisitore a tutti gli effetti

    Inquisition Membership
    This Background is for Sabbat characters only.
    You are a member of the dreadful Inquisition, the cruel and fanatical order that serves the Sword faithfully. Having this Background indicates that you are a full-fledged member of the organization, and you have all the responsibilities and benefits that accompany membership. You may call upon members of the Inquisition to aid you, should you ever need it. Of course, this ability is a two-way street, and other Order members may call upon you to aid them. Thus, you may find yourself assigned to perform interrogation, witness trials, make investigations or even further the political ends of the Order as a diplomat or Pack “Overseer”. You may also be required to witness trials that take you away from your pack. All members of the Inquisition must heed the call of another Order member, especially the superiors of the faction. Being a member of the Inquisition is a prestigious matter, and other members of the Sabbat respect the organization. When dealing with other Sabbat, you may add your rating in this Background to any Social dice pools, even after Status or other Abilities have been taken into account. The Inquisition is also remarkably adept at hunting down Sabbat who claim membership in the Sect but do not truly belong — liars, beware.
    • You are a grunt; you may call upon one Inquisition member once per story.
    •• You are known and respected in the Inquisition; you may call upon two Order members once per story.
    ••• You are held in the Inquisition’s regard; you may call upon five Order members once per story.
    •••• You are a hero among members of the Inquisition; you may call upon seven Order members twice per story (but you’d better have just cause — if it seems you’re becoming soft, you may lose points in this Background). You may also lead large numbers of Inquisition members into action should it ever become necessary.
    ••••• You are part of Inquisition legend; you may call upon 12 Inquisition members twice per story (but see the preceding caution). You may also lead large numbers of Order members into action should it ever become necessary. The Grand Inquisitor may even seek your counsel on matters of import.

    | Status | Titolo | Background Affiliazione |
    0 - Aspirante - Affiliazione 0
    1 - Accolito - Affiliazione 1
    2 - Iniziato/Apprendista/Consacrato/Ordinato - Affiliazione 2
    3 - Inquisitore/Purificatore/Vicario (Pack Overseer) - Affiliazione 3
    X - Cavaliere Inquisitore, Giudice Inquisitore, Osservatore, Grand’Inquisitore - a discrezione dello Staff / riservati a PnG

    3Inquisitore/Purificatore/Vicario (Pack Overseer)3
    Xa discrezione dello staff / riservati a PnGX

    X - Cavaliere Inquisitore, Giudice Inquisitore, Osservatore, Grand’Inquisitore - a discrezione dello Staff / riservati a PnG

    Inquisitor (3pt Title)
    The Sabbat has a problem that the other sects see very little of by comparison: infernalism. Those that would sell their souls to greater evils are rampant in the sect, and their influence is such that the Sabbat empowers a certain class of Cainite to deal with them. Inquisitors are greatly feared and respected by the Damned of the Sword of Caine, both by those who have cause to fear them and those who may be caught in the wake of their zealotry. Inquisitors take literally the Biblical admonition against suffering a witch to live, and occasionally make sure there’s no room for error by castigating those who might eventually be¬come infernalists, who might aid the infernalists, or who might not have done enough to stop infernalists once they had heard of their activity. Inquisitors have great leeway to stamp out such heresies, and with the Sabbat so readily able to Embrace new Cainites when needs demand it, the sect doesn’t mind a little “collateral damage” if it allows the rest of them to remain sovereign over their souls. (V20 Companion pag 24)

    REQUISITI GENERALI MANO NERA (Caine’s Chosen + Guida al Sabbat)

    Attributi: Almeno 3 per ogni Attributo Fisico, Percezione, Prontezza
    Abilità con almeno (1) pallino: Academics, Alertness, Athletics, Brawl, Firearms, Investigation, Larceny/Security, Melee, Occult, Stealth, Streetwise and Subterfuge, survival, Art of Memory
    Discipline “comuni” nella Mano Nera nelle quali è possibile investire freebie in creazione: Animalism, Auspex, Celerity, Dominate, Fortitude, Obfuscate, Quietus, Potence, Presence, Protean. (Quietus e Protean previa autorizzazione) (Blood Magic, a discrezione dello Staff se Out-of-Clan e ben motivato in BG)
    Background: Mentore (Almeno 1 pallino se Rookie), Contatti, Influenza, Identità Alternativa; No Alleati
    Status Sabbat: “relativamente basso”
    Path: principalmente Path of Caine. In alternative i più probabili sono: Path of Honorable Accord, Path of Death and the Soul e il Path of the Power and Inner Voice, Path of Metamorphosis, Path of Night (sub-path Righteous, Allied il meno praticato), Path of Orion. I meno seguiti sono il Path of Feral Heart e il Path of Cathari, il meno praticato in assoluto.
    Willpower: almeno 5 punti
    Sentiero: almeno 5 punti
    Orientamento Politico: Ultra-Conservative

    One of the most highly prized traits a member of Caine's Chosen can possess is the ability to retain and to store vital information in the most secure place possible: her own mind. This Knowledge represents the possessor's level of dedication to this endeavor, the quick and traceless cataloging of data in the deepest recesses of the brain. The Knowledge draws upon age-old mnemonic techniques of translating facts and figures into a symbolic language of unrelated images, whereby the brain can store and quickly recall the information at a later date simply by returning itself to the basis of the symbology in question . Each piece is then translated back into its root form, allowing quick and efficient voluntary recall while simultaneously protecting the data from unwanted scrutiny . If one reads the mind of someone skilled in this Ability, all the intruder is likely to get for the effort is a jumbled series of seemingly random images, or possibly even simple shapes or colors. A character's rating in this Knowledge is added to the dice pool of any roll whose function is to protect information hidden within the mind . This obviously goes for things like Telepathy and certain applications of Dominate, but it's also apt in torture situations . The Hand encourages all its recruits to study the fundamentals of this Knowledge, and those who excel at the technique are often granted increasingly greater responsibilities in the subsect, often with resultant social and political rewards .

    1 - Novice: You know one or two tricks of cerebrally converting information.
    2 - Practiced: You can bury significant amounts of data in symbolic code.
    3 - Competent: It would take a skilled interrogator to uncover your secrets.
    4 - Expert: Processing information symbolically is second nature to you now.
    5 - Master: Moon, tin can, razor blade, mirror, thirteen. Exactly.

    Specialties: Vast Cerebral Storage, Resisting Interrogation, Rapid Processing.

    Background: Affiliazione Mano Nera: 1 per accedere al titolo di Rookie, 2 di Agente a tutti gli effetti

    Black Hand Membership
    This Background is for Sabbat characters only
    You are a member of the feared Black Hand, the body of soldiers and assassins that serves the Sabbat fervently. Having this Background indicates that you are a full-fledged member of the organization, and you have all the responsibilities and benefits that accompany membership. You may call upon members of the Black Hand to aid you, should you ever need it. Of course, this ability is a two-way street, and other Hand members may call upon you to aid them. Thus, you may find yourself assigned to perform assassinations, lend martial aid, or even further the political ends of the Hand as a diplomat or spy. You may also be required to attend crusades that take you away from your pack. All members of the Black Hand must heed the call of another Hand member, especially the superiors of the faction. Being a member of the Black Hand is a prestigious matter, and other members of the Sabbat respect the organization. When dealing with other Sabbat, should you choose to reveal your affiliation with the Hand, you may add your rating in this Background to any Social dice pools, even after Status or other Abilities have been taken into account. Most Hand members, however, choose not to reveal their allegiance.
    The Black Hand is also remarkably adept at hunting down Sabbat who claim membership in the Sect but do not truly belong — liars, beware.
    • You are a grunt; you may call upon one Black Hand member once per story.
    •• You are known and respected in the Black Hand; you may call upon two Black Hand members once per story.
    ••• You are held in the Black Hand’s regard; you may call upon five Black Hand members once per story.
    •••• You are a hero among members of the Black Hand; you may call upon seven Black Hand members twice per story (but you’d better have just cause — if it seems you’re becoming soft, you may lose points in this Background). You may also lead large numbers of Hand members into action should it ever become necessary.
    ••••• You are part of Black Hand legend; you may call upon 12 Black Hand members twice per story (but see the preceding caution). You may also lead large numbers of Hand members into action should it ever become necessary. The Seraphim may even seek your counsel on matters of import.

    | Status | Titolo | Background Affiliazione |
    0 – Candidato/Cadet - Affiliazione 0
    1 – Rookie (Mustajib) (Novellino) - Affiliazione 1
    2 – Agent (Rafiq) - Affiliazione 2 (operatives, brothers, sisters or even comrades)
    3 – Remover - Affiliazione 3
    3 – Emissary - Affiliazione 3
    3 – Assassin (Shakar) - Affiliazione 3
    X – Second, Dominion, Watch Commander, Seraphim a discrezione dello staff / riservati a PnG

    1Rookie (Mustajib)1
    2Agent (Rafiq)2
    3Assassino (Shakar)3
    Xa discrezione dello staff / riservati a PnGX

    X – Second, Dominion, Watch Commander, Seraphim a discrezione dello staff / riservati a PnG

    Agent (1pt. Title) The operatives of the Sect, agents specialize in disposing of targets, scouting, infiltrating enemy organizations and providing crucial leverage and intelligence for the Black Hand. Individual agents may never know why they’re asked to perform certain actions or get a particular piece of information, but the Seraphim who see the larger picture know exactly which strings to pull to achieve the Sect’s agenda.

    Edited by Joker- - 18/1/2017, 03:06
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